
About Us

Women Entrepreneurship Data (WEData) Nepal aims to make the data related to women entrepreneurs of Nepal easily accessible such that it supports new entrepreneurs and other existing stakeholders with resources for evidence-based decision making. This will eliminate the costly need for market analysis. The project also aims to highlight the current scenario of women entrepreneurs in Nepal through research and support.

The project is conceptualized to raise funding up-to USD 1 million and reinvest it into various project related to data related to women and entrepreneurship in Nepal; which includes the collection of all publicly available data on women entrepreneurship and policies, preparation of a report of findings stating the current status for women entrepreneurship (in terms of product/services and operating domain), underlying policies, and the factors affecting those, development of a web portal to disseminate these findings and data publically in an interactive fashion, hosting online/in-person boot camps and events to use the tools and resources created to uplift the activities in the region and releasing the results to stakeholders and to a general audience through multi-tiered online meetings, public announcements using social media and the internet, encouraging the data and evidence-based decision making for policies, and resource allocation.

Updates coming soon!

Project Partners

Meet The Team

Project Leads


Binita Shrestha

Women in STEM Nepal

Nikesh Balami

Open Knowledge Nepal

Nhasala Joshi

Women Leaders in Technology